How to Build MVPs Quickly

Speed is a very important factor for startup success. Most of the successful companies I know and worked at launched and iterated super fast. Building faster means you can speed up your learning cycles and iterate your way to milestones before anyone else.

In this post we will share with you some tips and ideas for how to build and iterate quickly to success.

Every startup is different, but there are common techniques We have been using for years. They will save time for you and your team.

Hack a prototype .. Literally 

This is one of my favorite approaches to build quickly. The idea is to build the first version of your product quickly (1-10 days). The product is not meant to be used by the end users in most of the cases at least in a mass way, but it will help you better understand the overall effort and find blockers. That raw, somewhat usable product helps to better prioritize development, skip or push back some features. Or, in other words, understand the risks and details quickly.

Hacking means doing something in an getto way or something clever to beat the system. Try to ‘hack’ a prototype. Move fast, find simple ways to resolve or skip blockers. Here are a few tips:

  • Skip the things you know for now. Simply do NOT focus on things you know how to build. They might be required to complete the product, but they should have the lowest priority when you’re building the prototype, because just know how to get them done anyways. For example you can skip building things like signup or so for now.
  • Start with what you don't know. The goal of the first prototype is either to reduce risks or scope. Things you don’t know are the riskiest parts and can either delay the product release or block it completely. Start by doing them first to de-risk your product idea. 
  • Do not pre-optimise. You don’t know where you’ll end up with your product idea, so in most cases it does not make sense to invest lots of time into building complex systems or thinking about scalability. Start small and think optimisations later on.

The main target of building such prototype is to have something that you can show to friends & family, early adopters. In addition to that you will discover blockers and risk factors and the idea will start to get much more clearer in your mind. You will need to get in hands of some users ASAP (but this is another post).

Here are some ways you can use to build quicker and move faster specially in the begining ..

Use no-code

The no-code/low-code solutions are certainly taking a lot of my attention these days. They can not only help you launch your product without developing your team, but also accelerate your product development in general.

Things like webflow can help you test ideas quickly, specially if you are not a tech guy.

Start small

If you try to build too much, your product will get complex much quicker and complexity can kill your startup. It will exponentially reduce your ability to deliver value and build new features. So building fewer things is very important. Below are some tips on how to do it. Remember the 80/20 rule (Pareto principle).

The main idea is to focus on the core of your product that provides the most value to your end users and validates your solution and build that only in the begining. Forget about all the fancy features that you can come up with to make the product great, this will be for later.

Use prebuilt assets

This is a one that we use a lot, we have many different components that we have already done we pull those and adapt them to our current use case for quick iterations. You can also use prebuilt assets by other people via differnt types of integrations. Some quick examples:

  • Use stripe payment pages for payments.
  • Use Firebase or Auth0 for authentication.
  • Use wordpress or other CMS as your backend.
  • May be you can also pick up UI from themeforst or so to start with.

Prebuilt assets can help you move faster. Usually, every startup has one unique feature and lots of common features from pricing to onboarding. Finding the right tool to solve your problems along the way can help you move much faster and save weeks or even months.

At invint.Dev we use a lot of techniques and our prebuilt code to ship quickly and iterate fast. In the startup world, remember speed really matters.